What is a newsletter?
It can be both electronic or a printed version that contains news of an organization or business. They contain information on any new activities or events that take place with their organization over a period of time. Email newsletters are no different. Although it is important to keep in mind that the readers and viewers are more interested in the products and new launches by the company rather than the activities of the company.
Newsletters are an excellent tool for marketing and promotions. They show customers a side of the company that is not all business but adventurous too. This makes the content relatable which makes customers anticipate more content.
How long should a newsletter be?
Through intensive research, it has been found that the ideal length of a newspaper should be 20 lines which are approximately 200 words. Since the attention span of a reader is hardly more than 53 -60 seconds, it is ideal to optimize that timeframe to get in as much information you need to include into your newsletter, but also not make it seem too overwhelming.
How do you start a newsletter campaign on Emailwish?
A newsletter campaign can be started like any other campaign or automated email series, like the welcome series. The only difference will be the timings of when it goes out. Most newsletters are monthly, you can also have a weekly newsletter, but it should be noted that giving too much information to the customer is not the key. Instead putting out good content even though it takes weeks, is ideal. The quality should never diminish which will help your customers to believe that you are reliable.